A Great Response To The Health Reflection Questions…

Yesterday I posted my questions for reflection around your year in health. Here is a great response from Hedvig, who has been a client of mine and works as a life design coach.

This is a great example of using a timeline – a tool that is so valuable as part of the initial assessment in Functional Medicine, as it helps to begin to learn your story and to identify patterns. One pattern that Hedvig spotted was two challenging times that happen around mid summer and mid winter.

Thinking seasonally, this is interesting and I wonder if she has any other thoughts… let’s see:

Lake Feet
Wild swimming in Sweden, July 2017

Hedvig’s Health Reflection Responses: 

Looking back at 2017 have there been any significant health issues or events? It can be really useful to date these, and begin to form a timeline that may reveal useful connections:

  • Jan: continued swimming and yoga.  Had idea to train for a sprint triathlon as a stretch goal.  Decided to train for a 6km run in March, and my friend, Meike, became my running buddy.  Haven’t run since I damaged by knee 5 years earlier. Started walking/running in the gym (2.7 km).   
  • Feb: increased how long I ran (6.4km) and how fast (7.14).  Improving self care.  Feeling better about running.  Created a great running playlist with songs suggested by friends which I found really motivating.  
  • Mar: started running outside with a friend.  Increased speed 6:39.  Was pleased with my progress, and ready to run the race on 5th March.  Pause in running (put off because of race was unexpectedly cancelled on without any explanation).  Stopped going to yoga (found another participant changed the class).  Started going for morning walks with Kelly.   
  • April:  Getting too hot to run outside, even in the mornings.  Started dancing.  Explored farmer’s market, disappointing..
  • May: Very hot.  Not doing much exercise.  Feeling  frustrated.  
  • June: less time at the gym.  Meltdown.  Returned to Sweden- it was quite cold.  Started going for walks and cycle rides in the countryside.  Spent time with friends.
sweden picnic
Outdoor picnic with friends in Sweden. July 2017
  • July: Went for walks and cycle rides in the countryside.  Feels good to be back in Sweden.  Started going wild swimming again.  Spent time with friends.  
  • August: went sea and wild swimming.  Spent time with family.  Back to India, back to the gym.  Trek in Ladakh!
  • Sept: start again with running, but inconsistent because travelling a lot.  Massages in Cambodia to try and relieve tension in upper back/shoulder.  Tried surfing for the first time.
  • October: Another day of surfing.  Mid October and the air pollution started to be hazardous.  Better self care practice. Got a dog.
  • November: Focus on the dog.  Spending more time on the roof with the dog.  Going for short walks with the dog. Frustrating that these positive lifestyle changes happened when the pollution was bad.  Starting to get wintry.  Series of ayurvedic massages to help with back/shoulder tension.  Good prep for winter: oats, slippers.  Went to Goa- a real relief to get away from the pollution.  
pollution delhi
The realities of hazardous air pollution in Delhi. Air filters going indoors, preferably don’t go outside but if you do, wear a mask if you have to go outdoors. Oct-Dec 2017
  • December: Pollution still bad.  Spending mornings on the roof terrace with Remo.  Had a melt down: frustrated about the pollution, etc.  Half way through December started having days when pollution was only unhealthy (i.e. good for Delhi).  Started making time and space for exercising again. Growing more food at home.  

Reflections: do less well when not doing exercise.  Exercise disrupted by travel and the weather.  Walking more because of the dog.  

Next year: create an exercise regime that I can do anywhere, and that is also able to respond to my season and the weather.   

Dog Salad
Home grown salad, December 2017

How has my energy been this year?

Variable.  Can get quite down- meltdowns (June and December)

What has been my experience of my menstrual cycle?

Less spotting than last year.  Roughly half number of months 28-29 days.  Other half  26-7 days.  One month 23 synced with super moon.

Working according to hormonal phase.  Sometimes ovulate on a full moon, sometimes on a dark moon).  Some months a surprising number of days early.  

How has my sleep been this year?

More interrupted after we got the dog.  Some days wake up around 5am and can’t get back to sleep.  Haven’t identified the pattern yet.  

How have my relationships and connections supported my health in 2017?

Friendship with Meike supported running in the early part of the year.  Unfortunately she has now left.

park run
Post-running in the park reward with Meike, March 2017

What really healthy practices have I brought into my life or sustained in 2017?

First half: Regular yoga practice.  Started running again.  Good exercise routine.  Swimming for exercise.  

Second half: walking with Remo,

What aspect of my health do I really want to celebrate?

In the first half of the year I was doing more regular exercise.  I started running again, and was able to run 5km!  Felt like a massive achievement as I hadn’t run for 5 years, after damaging my knee.  

What do I feel grateful for in relation to my health?

I was able to run, and my knee felt fine.
Trekking in Ladakh, August 2017. First trek ever

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